Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Documentary - Personal Reflection

Overall, I am unbelievably proud of myself and my groups efforts towards this project. I feel that there have been many times where we could have easily just accepted defeat and taken the easy way out but every one of us kept true to our idea and powered through until the very end.
There were many risks taken during this project; There was no way we could be 100% sure that we would get the shots of the flatmates that we wanted, because of this we had to spend most of our days just loitering around the flat until people came out of their rooms and were willing to talk to us.

One thing that I do think that I have lacked in is ongoing research during the project. I feel as though I have been so engulfed in the practical side of it that I haven't done as much written work as I originally would've hoped. I know now that this is something that I am going to have to work on in future projects as it will help me track my progress.

I also feel as though my knowledge of documentaries is very minimal. I feel as though I would have had a much better idea of how to film a documentary if only I had watched a lot more in my own time ; This would've given me a much better understanding as to what styles of documentary make them so different from one another.

With all of this being said, I am very happy with the outcome of our documentary. I feel as though the feedback that has been given so far has been amazing and is pleasing to hear that it had such a good impact on those, especially students who can relate to living with strangers. This project has definitely opened up my perspective on documentaries and I hope to use my new found skills in the future if I ever make another one.

1 comment:

  1. This is good critical evaluation Ben and shows that you have the maturity to recognise your shortcomings and have identified ways of addressing them. However shortcomings aside you should be indeed proud of what you have achieved not only as a group but also your own contribution to what has been a very good film - in concept and execution. Your editing skills show great promise as do the framing of interviews. Handheld needs more practice but come and talk to me for more instruction and get the camera out to hone your skills. I also applaud your strategy of trying to put your house mates at ease to ensure you got open and relaxed interviews - well done for getting all members of the house to agree to take part.
