Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Documentary - Expanding Our Idea

Our group decided to go ahead with the idea of following a group of housemates in the student village. The reason we decided to go for this idea was because we thought it would be quite interesting to see how 8 different housemates act with each other and see how they are coping living with people who at the start of the academic year they had no clue who anyone was. The question we wanted to ask was although everyone in the flat has come from the different backgrounds and upbringings; How easy is it for 8 strangers to live together? What do they really think of each other? And is there ever any conflict?

Because I am part of the flat myself, I would have to be interviewed as well. The main aim we wanted from filming the people in my flat was to make sure that they all felt as comfortable as possible and that they didn't feel intimidated by a big camera crew just intruding their personal space and asking questions about their thoughts and opinions of their flatmates. I feel as though we made sure that they all felt as comfortable as possible; I tried doing this my making myself feel comfortable in their rooms be it laying my feet across their beds whilst talking to them or just slouching in the chair, just little things that would slightly but surely make them feel a bit more eased when answering the questions.

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