Monday, 12 December 2016

Documentary - Editing

When the editing began, it was initially quite a difficult process. I was using Premiere Pro which isn't the editing software that I am usually familiar with; This caused some problems as it was though I was trying to edit a documentary with a piece of software that I had no clue how to use. The edit had a very slow start as I found it difficult to adapt to using a transcript to help with the editing. Eventually after a day or so I got the hang of it and the transcripts made things so much easier whilst editing. 

After trying to edit on Premiere Pro for a few hours I was really struggling. For some reason the clips that I was importing were not staying in their designated folders and every clip that I imported was being imported 3 times instead of just the once. Because of these reasons, I decided to change to the editing software that I was most comfortable with; Final Cut Pro. Once I started using Final Cut, the whole edit began to take shape. The clips seemed so much easier to trim and put together. 

There was a point in the edit where there was a clip of myself and Callum singing. Because this clip was recorded on an iPhone, I wanted to try and give more of a 'home video' kind of look so I wanted to try and add a old camcorder filter to put over the clip. I searched online for a downloadable filter but was unable to find one. The clip still looked good without a filter but hopefully in the future I can try and find a filter if ever I need it again.

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