Friday, 3 November 2017

Plan For Research

We've begun to think about what things we can research for our projection pieces and what came to mind first was abstract films that portray a particular thought provoking mood. By this we mean films that stimulate intense emotion, allowing us to perceive the film more passionately and be more open minded and free with our interpretations of them. Instantly work by the likes of Stanley Kubrick, David Lynch & even Martin Scorsese came to mind. These are filmmakers who've had a past of visually manipulating their audiences by and keep them on the edge of their seats. Aesthetically, we like the idea of making a piece that looks like 'Eraserhead' (1977) as we like the minute colour and lighting that is used in it but then like the idea of implementing something similar that was used in 'Sin City' (2005) where the film is predominantly black and white but every now and then have intense bursts of colour that we feel would represent the creativity spilling out of us from the dull-set tones of 'rest of the mind'. 

Eraser head (1977)

Shutter Island (2010)

A Clockwork Orange (1971)

Sin City (2005)

Sin City (2005)

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