Sunday, 8 October 2017

Maps & Networking - Artist Research, Yves Klein

Yves Klein was a French born artist who liked to use other people to model in his work; work including making sculptures of people close to him or even making paintings of multiple strangers. Klein became obsessed with using a certain darker shade of blue, so much so that it started to become internationally known as 'Klein Blue' or I.K.B. Klein used this newly found colour in almost all of his work; He used it with sponges in his famous monochrome paintings and even on nude models, covering them then making them lay on white paper on the walls and floor.

I found that Klein's work was very interesting, especially his use of colour and how he obsessed over it. The fact that he said that 'Klein Blue' "embodied nature" really inspired me when thinking about how interpreting colours can represent certain feelings or ideas. Having looked at his work, I have now begun to think more carefully about which colours I will be choosing to portray what emotions and thoughts on my own models. 

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