To Build a Home - Before listening to the music
From a first hand experience of this, I can confirm that I definitely got completely engulfed and lost in the music so much so that I felt like I was only painting for roughly 30 seconds whereas in reality I'd been painting for 6 and a half minutes. Because of this I feel like when I have my subjects do it, I'll have their chosen songs on repeat so that they can paint for as long as they like and stop whenever they want to. The song I chose has a lot of violins in and something that I found myself doing whilst listening was actually painting to the tune of the violins as you can see the green swirls down the left side. This was really interesting to actually do myself as I didn't know how the final product would come out. After looking at the outcome I think everything went according to plan and I now know what to change for when I bring in my subjects.
To Build a Home - A finished Piece