Monday, 6 February 2017

Portraits Part 2 - Idea Development

Spiralling off from my first idea, I have had some time to do some thinking about what I think would be most affective through portraits. Although my first idea was a quite personal idea, I realised that viewers may not find as personal as myself as they don't know the people who I would be dressing up as. Because of this reason, I have decided to slightly alter my idea to this; I will now be asking people to model for me, dressing up as the job that they wanted to do when they were children. I feel that this is going to be a much more intriguing idea to viewers because it shows a possible insight to the model as we could see how they have changed their aspirations as a child to what they are now. For example, there could be a model dressed as an astronaut which tells us that as a child, the person was full of belief and ambition that anything is possible but now they are grown up, they may be stuck in a boring office job with no ambition. Hopefully this will show the contrast in personalities from being a child to being an adult. 

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