Monday, 30 January 2017

Experimental Film - Making a Short Film

We were given the task to make a short film that lasts between 1 - 2 minutes and had to be on the topic of 'time'. Originally, I didn't have a clue what to make my film about as I was trying to think what could be interesting enough to gain the viewers attention in the small space of only 1 minute. I eventually decided on the idea of time travel. I decided the way I wanted to approach it was to be along the lines of chance and not knowing which way through time you would go. Because of this I chose to make the story of the film about the chances of flipping a coin and how probability is completely random. My main aim towards this film was to personally focus on trying out different camera angles as I want to get better with how I frame my shots.
The general Idea for the film was to have a man who is in a rush runs up to his kitchen to flip a coin. We don't know why he is in a rush but we go with it. He flips the coin and it lands on heads and we go into his head and come out in a empty beetroot field. This is to show that with just a simple flip of a coin, you could end up in paradise and that it is all chance. We go back into his head and are back in the kitchen where the man likes what just happened to him so he flips the coin again and it lands on tails, we go back into his head again but nothing happens. The man is confused and keeps flipping the coin, constantly getting tails and nothing happens. He then flips the coin out of his reach and the coin rolls under the fridge, never to be seen again. I wanted this to symbolise how you should appreciate where life takes you and not always want something better or essentially gamble away what you have to get something better. I hope this was showed by us seeing the man enjoy what the heads side of the coin gave him, being in a lovely surrounding which he was happy with but deciding to try and get something better by flipping the coin again, not getting what he wanted and eventually losing it all in the end.

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