Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Experimental Film - Relative Work (Eraserhead)

Going back to the beginning of this unit, I remember watching a clip from the 1977 film, Eraserhead directed by David Lynch. The film was shot in black and white and was the first ever feature film by Lynch, continuing from a series of shorts that he had made prior. The genre of the film is a "Surrealist body horror" film, meaning that there are a number of disturbing scenes in the film which interested me a lot seeing as I have been very keen to see how directors achieved a disturbed looking film in the earlier years of film. Lynch does a magnificent job of creating tension using minimal dialogue which is at the top of my list for things I want to achieve when filming my film. There is a scene in the film in which the main character, Spencer is in a room with a small alien like creature which quickly becomes covered in flies, symbolising that it is sick. This is a very disturbing scene which is created predominantly using sound and realistically I would like to be able to achieve a successful scene creating the same tension and atmosphere as David Lynch did in this scene.


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